150th Anniversary Signature

150th Anniversary Signature

Fusing Legacy and modern Technology

The original SONOR Signature Series was introduced at the Frankfurt Musikmesse in 1980. It was the result of extensive scientific research commissioned by SONOR in the pursuit of building the most sonically and technically advanced high-end drum set of its time. The extremely deep and heavy 10.5mm beechwood shells were designed for the most unobstructed drum head vibration, resulting in the purest tone with the most resonance and projection. To say that the Signature Series raised the bar for high-end drums would be an understatement. It defined what high-end drums were supposed to be from that point on.

The 150th Anniversary Signature Series Shell Sets are more than just a reissue of the original from the 1980s. They are a tribute which merges tradition and innovation by combining a replica of theSignature Series shell with contemporary state-of-the-art shell hardware features.

To faithfully recreate the iconic Signature Series shell, 13 plies of selected German beech veneer are cross-laminated. As with the original, genuine Bubinga is used for the outer and inner ply of the shell. The stunning grain structure, various color shades and dark streaks of the Bubinga Pommelé (Guibourtia demeusii) used for this instrument add even more visual dimension. To emphasize the naturally grown beauty of the Bubinga veneer, the shells are finished with clear high gloss lacquer, which is applied in multiple lacquering and polishing stages by hand. All hardware on the drums is plated with 24-carat gold to offset the dark and saturated brown color of the veneer as well as create the ultimate luxurious experience. Finally, all drums receive individually numbered commemorative badges to certify the uniquenessof each 150th Anniversary Signature Series Shell Set.

The 150th Anniversary Signature Series Shell Set is strictly limited to 75 pieces worldwide. 25 of which are made in the ‚Heritage‘ outfit featuring authentic Signature Series shell depths, whereas the remaining 50 use shallower, more contemporary depths.


SONOR 150th Anniversary SIGNATURE and SONORLITE Sets are here!

150 years of SONOR craftsmanship and innovation. To celebrate this milestone, we proudly present the 150th Anniversary SIGNATURE and SONORLITE Shell Sets.

150th Anniversary Products

Signature Heritage

150th Anniversary Products


150th Anniversary Signature


Signature Shell Construction

All drums use the 15-ply (10.5mm) Signature Series replica shell

Original Tension Rods

Original slotted tension rods on toms, floor toms and snare drum

Numbered Badges

Individually numbered badges on all drums with certificate to match

Snare Drum Features

Snare drum features Dual Glide System and original made in Germany Hella die-cast hoops

State-of-the-Art Tom Mounts

Mounted toms feature the state-of-the-art T.A.R. Mounting System with AcoustiGate to finetune the drums sustain

Pinstripe Heads

As with the original, Signature Heritage Shell Sets feature Remo Pinstripe heads on toms, floor toms and the bass drum.

150th Anniversary Signature

Signature Heritage Shell Set

  • SKU: 11004221
  • 22"x18" Bass Drum with Mount
  • 10"x10" Tom
  • 12"x12" Tom
  • 14"x16" Floor Tom
  • 16"x18" Floor Tom
  • 14"x08" Snare Drum
  • DTH 675 MC G Double Tom Holder
  • Limited to 25 pieces worldwide
150th Anniversary Signature

Signature Shell Set

  • SKU: 11004321
  • 22"x16" Bass Drum with Mount
  • 10"x07" Tom
  • 12"x08" Tom
  • 14"x13" Floor Tom
  • 16"x15" Floor Tom
  • 14"x08" Snare Drum
  • DTH 675 MC G Double Tom Holder
  • Limited to 50 pieces worldwide
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