Yesaya Wilander Soemantri, or better known as Echa Soemantri, Indonesian young drummer who is already well known among musicians. He plays energetic and "cool", a style that has characterized the drummer.
He was born in Jakarta July 7, 1989. Echa is widely known as a session player drummer, music arranger, songwriter and clinician who is ready to play a wide variety of genres.
He has been engaged in several major events such as the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival and International Jazz Festival. Not to mention some of the musicians who put his name on the list of players in the band's entourage.
Now, in addition to playing stages around the country, he has recently released his 12th single titled 'Journey' and the mini-album 'The Gratitude.'
He also makes another music project, known as Echa Soemantri & Friends, teaches Online Drum Classes and manage the Echa Soemantri Music Center with his wife, Jessica.