Russia Genre House Dance/Electronic

Gregory Dobrynin

My name is Gregory Dobrynin. I am from Russia and I spent here all my life, living and working as a drummer.

The school I attended in the 7th grade had an advanced curriculum in music. Children took the classes of harmony, choir and the history of music. We gave much more time to music, then to maths. One day I had to go to the school's musical storage one floor above our music classroom. Teacher asked me to bring bass balalaika to the school assembly hall before the start of the choir's rehearsal. There it was - a drum kit - shabby, but still remaining its dignity. I was fascinated! I faced this instrument for the first time, and it was the very moment of self-identification and I decided to give myself up to music. I visited the storage each time I had an opportunity and practiced till closing.

At that age, I was a Metallica fan, and I gained my first experience from Lars Ulrich. Later on I found out, that I can use video lessons. I used to copy them from one video cassette to another, and even searched them in near cities. I could not imagine myself without drums. I used to dream of how I played on a big stage, sometimes I used to have dreams, in which I performed with my favourite bands. Most of all, I desired to engage myself with this craft, but I couldn't imagine how.

Few years later, when my economic studies in the University were totally out of order, the circumstances led me to another city. Togliatti - a small Russian town - was the very place where I met friends, with whom we write music, give big concerts and tour for nearly 8 years.

I am a very happy person and I express my gratitude to every person, thing and circumstance, which led me to my current lifestyle. Of course, I studied a lot and spent hours and hours drumming. I want to address everyone, who is in doubt. For sure, you will face a lot of people, who will try to convince you that musician is a not a profession. That you are just loosing your time, while other people are busy doing "normal" work. But if your dream is real, if you can't imagine yourself doing other stuff, if you are ready to dedicate your life and yourself to what you love, then take a chance! Take a chance and follow your dream.

