Metal Rock SQ2 Drum System Germany

Louis Schaffert

Louis Schaffert is the drummer for Rauhbein, Servant and Yugonaughty, among others.

Louis has gained experience in many rock and metal bands (e.g. Stoned God, Übergang).
From 2022 onwards he regularly filled in for his good friend and also SONOR artist Dennis Poschwatta in the band Rauhbein. In 2023 Dennis Poschwatta handed over the sticks to Louis and has been a permanent band member of Raubein ever since.

As a trained carpenter, he also extremely appreciates the craftsmanship at SONOR.

A few years ago, Louis received a Horst Link signature snare from the 80s and fell in love with this unique sound.

Due to his studio activities and many live concerts, he has played a variety of different drums, but the SONOR SQ2 put a smile on his face with its incomparable rich sound.

"I am simply a very big fan of this set and the SONOR brand. So what belongs together comes together!"

Follow Louis on Instagram

Follow Rauhbein on Instagram




